
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Time Travel Mishap

     The year is 3304 science has made major advances in the all areas. Problems of the past are only read in history books there are no more wars of famines. The resources wars are long since over. For the most part the world is a peaceful place. After the major problems facing our world were dealt with the sciences were able to explore other ideas. Space travel, alternant dimensions, and my favorite Time Travel.  
     Now where the other discoveries yield mix results. Space travel was meant to find advanced alien life all it found were some simple life forms who were still trying to learn to crawl let alone travel the stars.  Alternant dimensions were a little more exciting but most the time we find Earth's where you were blue instead of red that day not that exciting. Time travel on the other hand that has yield amazing results. From discovering ancient tome in the present by being at the burial for them in the first place to getting a more in depth look at figures though out history. 
     Now Time Travel doesn't move your body in fact your body goes in to a comatose state. In fact it moves you consciousness into another body. You mind overpowers theirs for a brief time and shares the information that it has with you and you take over their lives for a max of a week before the machine pulls you back to the present. It's amazing technology I have mind hopped 12 time already I've been an infantry fighter in the first world war. Nasa scientist helping fly the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. I have seen so many important events in history. My next jump lucky #13 I'm planning on a personal Jump. My one of my grandparents back in the 2019 was a head of a movement that changed the world he lived in and started to shape the world I live in now I'm planning on jumping into him and experiencing The days leading up to his biggest win. 
At least that was the plan now I find myself in the body of a 6 month old baby girl with my famous Grandfather holding me. I hope there was just a flaw in the software and the machine will realize it or one to the tech's will. Because minding hopping into an child is extremely dangerous. Spending a week in the mind of a baby has a very high likelihood of being trapped in that body. Worst of all I just realized I peed myself and I can't talk yet. someone help me.   


  1. Ha ha, to be fair he'll still have a front row seat for history it's just his seat will be a baby stroller

  2. Aw. Well time does fly they say.
